President Duterte spoke yesterday morning and one of the important things he said was about face masks that are effective protection against coronavirus. The President said it is important for everyone to wear face masks to protect themselves. He also called on the people to suffer and follow health protocols so as not to become infected with the virus. He said he knows that many are already bored but he wants the people to wait and sacrifice. According to the President, the spread of the virus will also end. Even though he is said to be very bored.
The government will distribute face masks, according to the President. And it will be provided for free. He said he will buy it and distribute it to those without face masks but he said it should be worn so as not to be infected with the virus. It is said that the government will buy some face masks to distribute. He said it can be used twice and just spray alcohol afterwards. The President even joked that if there is no disinfectant, just dip the face masks in gasoline and diesel to kill the mother-in-law COVID. COVID will not work on gasoline. He said just soak it but don’t do it inside the house.
Good plan to give free face masks. Many can no longer buy face masks because they have no income. Mostly, only large handkerchiefs are used as masks. Just cover the nose and mouth. Others, old t-shirts are wrapped around the face for protection. There is a towel that makes the mask.
Once the free face masks are distributed, the people should also be educated on how to wear them. It might just be fun to share. It will cost a lot but will not be used properly.
Inform the people of the importance of the virus protection mask. This is not just a display. Many of the people with the chin (chin) the mask and others, just hanging on the ear. Understand the importance of masks now with pandemia. Even the WHO says face masks are important against the virus.