Balitang Pinoy

Pope sends greetings to Knights

Pope sends greetings to Knights

Pope Francis sent a message to Knights recognizing the Order’s work in building a “fraternal, just and equitable world.” The letter mentions Father McGivney’s upcoming beatification, the Into the Breach video series and the Leave No Neighbor Behind initiative. No. 497.002 From the Vatican, 14 July 2020Dear Mr. Anderson, His Holiness Pope Francis was pleased to be…

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Daniel Padilla’s sportscar was hit by a tricycle driver; Actor impressed netizens with his kindness

A tricyle collided with Daniel Padilla’s sports car in West Fairview, Quezon City, this Wednesday, August 12. According to a Fcebook post by a netizen, instead of getting angry, the 25-year-old actor allegedly gave money to the tricycle driver. Netizen Reynaldo Duron said, “SOBRANG BAIT NI DANIEL PADILLA, SYA NA NA BANGGA SYA PA NAG…

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CBCP urges Filipino faithful to pray ten Hail Marys daily for COVID-19 healing

SOURCE: CBCP NEWS Catholic bishops have called for a collective prayer for “healing” and an end to the coronavirus pandemic. The bishops particularly asked the faithful to pray “ten Hail Mary’s daily” in Catholic schools and seminaries, parishes and communities. The nationwide prayer campaign will start on Aug. 15, the Solemnity of the Assumption, and…

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