Pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca will still review the documents sent to them by Brazil.
This was after the Brazilian government announced its agreement between Oxford University and AstraZeneca to obtain 100 million doses of the drug that could cure coronavirus disease.
AstraZeneca director Jorge Mazzei said he believes that by the time their COVID-19 vaccine becomes a success, the hard-hit South American nation will be given the vaccine before the end of 2020.
“It is nearly impossible that this contract is not signed. It took two to three weeks for the letter of intent to be signed. Our goal is that this contract is signed as quickly as possible, ”Mazzei said.
For now, it is still in talks with their local partner Fiocruz and the contract for the said deal will start next week.
Brazil’s health ministry has earlier said that the country is willing to pay $ 127 million (P6 billion) for the production of initial 30.4 million doses that could be released in December 2020 and January 2021.
To date, more than 1,370,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus disease in Brazil have been reported while 58,385 people have been killed.