Because of Covid-19, Pope Francis will celebrate Holy Week ceremonies without the public present
Note: Philippines is 6 hours ahead of Italy.
ON PALM SUNDAY, March 28, by celebrating Mass at 11 a.m. (Rome time) in the basilica as he commemorates the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. There is no mention of a procession.
ON COMMEMORATING THE LAST SUPPER on Holy Thursday, April 01, at 6 p.m. (Rome time).
It should be noted that he will not celebrate the Chrism Mass on that morning as has been the tradition. It is expected that he will do so at a later date when the protective measures to combat Covid-19 have been lifted.
ON GOOD FRIDAY, April 02, Francis will celebrate the Passion of the Lord at 6 p.m. (Rome time) in the basilica. Later that evening, he will preside over the Way of the Cross on the steps of the basilica, overlooking the empty square. In the past, he used to travel to Rome’s Coliseum for this significant prayer service.
EASTER VIGIL on April 03, at 9 p.m., at the altar of the Chair of St. Peter.
ON EASTER SUNDAY morning, April 04, he will celebrate the Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord, in the basilica, and, at the end of Mass, he will impart his blessing “Urbi et Orbi”—to the city of Rome (“Urbi”) and to the world (“Orbi”).