No question ABS CBN is owned by the Lopez Family one of the original rich and influential family in this country. The original owner and founder of ABS CBN is Eugenio “Enyeng” Lopez and brother of Fernando “Nanding” Lopez (Vice President). Both brothers were born in Jaro, Iloilo City and their wives are also natives of Iloilo.
Ever since, the Lopezes are known for their philanthropic work. Gina Lopez was the managing director of ABS CBN Foundation which focused on child welfare and environment protection. She created “Sine Eskuwela” and thousands of TV sets were donated to public schools. Its program reaches 14 M, school children and 5,000 public elem schools. The Foundation also created “Knowledge Channel” run by Rina Lopez Bautista. It gave quality education to poor children in far flung areas as far as Mindanao servicing 2.2 million children.
The Lopez Group of Companies have invested 200 Million pesos in partnership with Citigroup, United Way, Caltex, Procter and Gamble, Nestle.
ABS CBN Foundation was the major reforestation-actor in La Mesa Protected area, (Bantay Kalikasan), and has constructed a P200 hundred million “Childrens Village” to care for children- victims of violence.
The Lopezes in Iloilo and the grandchildren are known to be friendly, decent and respectfull.
I never heard the Lopezes cursing or bad- mouthing any priest,much less the Pope.
You can never hear any Lopezes having killed someone, or organizing riding in tandem killers.
When there were persons who do not agree with them the Lopezes do not threaten to kill who oppose them nor did any one of them send to jail journalist.
IF THEY ARE OLIGARCHS, I am 99% sure, Ilongos loved this kind of oligarchs.
Finally the Lopezes do not call others “idiot” OR “buang” or calling one “p#@&%/*na”.
– Atty. Hector Teodosio